Well finally over this flu thing...man that was the worst i have ever been sick im my life...but for the weekly update. Last week i won my first race beating alot of faster cars with my well balanced car....here are some pics

long time no blog....man today im super sick...fever and all..hope i make it through the dya..we shall see
The correct response to the Irish greeting, "Top of the morning to you," is "And the rest of the day to yourself."
The only thing that sustains one through life is the consciousness of the immense inferiority of everybody else, and this is a feeling that I have always cultivated.
- Oscar Wilde
well just started putting info on my facebook page...kinda like myspace but for smart people....haha...but we shall se how it goes...pretty interesting when board...something to do here in between patients....
went to this clothing company launch party...we showed up on time but everyone else showed up super late...was seriously think that another choice in the evening would have been better...o well...getting behind on sleep lately but at least life is being lived....in the end isnt that what really matters?
pics as soon as i get home....promise
here they are...
man...late for work...forgot my wallet...dident eat breakfast...so hungry...what a start to a day...geez...only can get better...
went to work out last night...not too bad...ended up being longer then i wanted but a good work out nonetheless...
going to an allstars meeting tonight...first tie to show all the new number plates on the car..really need to get it washed...hope i can get home in time...pics to follow
looks like we are going to have a halloween party...co hosted by lisa and us...the planning begins along with the stress....hmmm..we shall se how it goes...also looks like we are going to a clothing line release on friday ill have to put some pictures up...
take a look at the pics jasonandyolanda.tripod.com
it felt good to do something for a bigger cause yesterday...
Well ive been trying to post pics and info on this movie i saw the other day...ELIZABETHTOWN...after i saw the preview i really thought it would be a movie that i would want to see...for the first time i was moved and felt something at a movie and it was ok...was happy, sad and emotional for once...storyline i thought was good and there were some good lines..and good points...well i guess more about this later..i have to sleep we are walking in aids walk in the morning...we'll have to see how that goes...night
man left work after it was dark...thats whenyou know your working too much...well going out to a nice dinner with yolanda and a movie...fun stuff...i have picks of the gauges but i left them at work...so tomorrow to post...
He's turned his life around. He used to be depressed and miserable. Now he's miserable and depressed.
- David Frost
hahaha funny stuff
well everything dident go quite as well planned as i hoped but in the end it all worked out and they are all lite up and are all wired up and ready to hook up to the senders that will be put in soon as well.
here are some photos of the new 20mm FHI RSB that i installed a week ago. i had to add a little bit of flair to it...
just got back from lunch and bought the remianing parts needed from my gauges in my car...an di also wrote out the diagram needed to make the fog lights stay on with high-beam and a switch for the illumination lights for the gauges that we put in so that i can turn them off so the cops cant see them.
slow morning so far...ive just been updating the 20/20 vision associates site it actually coming along..you should check it out