Saturday, March 29, 2008
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Monday, March 24, 2008
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Friday, March 14, 2008
Quote for the nite
Like in life...Some people like driving the straight-aways because
they're easy. Others, enjoy the corners because they are challenging
and fun. It all depends how u see it...
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
1st Place in SD!!!!
Woke up super early because of the time change and dragged my butt to SD for some STS fun....
...all ended well in a 0.7 second win in my class...
MORE pics

Monday, March 10, 2008
this is SO going on my blog!
yay for publicity. sources confirm that....
Awesome....the much needed publicity this show needs to get some more viewers!! I would hate for the show to get cancelled because not alot of people watch it! SPREAD THE NEWS PEOPLE!(not that britney will be on---which would help, but that the show is legend....wait for it!)
Saturday, March 08, 2008
Fw: RE: bbc update
Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2008 22:08:44 -0800
Orrr someone post this on the blog. At work. Been nonstop since 2pm.
Just sat down...still an hour or so more work to do....still wana be a
doc alex??
Exhausted intern
Via fwd 2way
Friday, March 07, 2008
24 Hour Fitness Hip Hop Rd. 2
Last night I went to my second hip hop class at the local 24 Hour Fitness. I must have lost my other left foot and picked up a brand new, shiny right foot because this time it was a breeze. I know I wasn't very clean, but I got the moves down in sequence which I think is pretty good considering the long lay off. We learned some different choreography from last, and it was loads of fun. It was nothing too advanced, but good enough to keep me interested. Oddly enough I dreamed about the routine in my sleep. Haha! It's been a couple years since that's happened. The instructor is a local girl who dances, and I'm not joking, kinda looks like Christina T. so you know she is the bomb diggity! **wink** If you ain't dancing, you ain't living. Can you feel me?
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Sunday, March 02, 2008
Dinner last night at Kings Hawaiian in Torrance
Great food, even better far is almost 70 minutes away from
Have to go back next time we r in Torrance....
--Jason T. Flores O.D.--
Saturday, March 01, 2008
Thanks Guys
This is what you get for having a girl on the blog group....feelings. I just wanted to thank you guys for being there for me. Thanks for dragging me out to (insert bar/restaurant/club name here) even though I never usually wanted to; and now wish I could do it every weekend. Thanks for keeping me company and listening to me ramble. Thanks for putting up with my bratiness and whining. So thanks for being great friends!!!
Taiyaki from mochilato
gellato on top...yumyum
--Jason T. Flores O.D.--
Red Mango....the OG/healthy Yogurt...
have a stop Ci-fore...
--Jason T. Flores O.D.--