Friday, March 07, 2008

24 Hour Fitness Hip Hop Rd. 2

Last night I went to my second hip hop class at the local 24 Hour Fitness.  I must have lost my other left foot and picked up a brand new, shiny right foot because this time it was a breeze.  I know I wasn't very clean, but I got the moves down in sequence which I think is pretty good considering the long lay off.  We learned some different choreography from last, and it was loads of fun.  It was nothing too advanced, but good enough to keep me interested.  Oddly enough I dreamed about the routine in my sleep.  Haha!  It's been a couple years since that's happened.  The instructor is a local girl who dances, and I'm not joking, kinda looks like Christina T. so you know she is the bomb diggity!  **wink**  If you ain't dancing, you ain't living.  Can you feel me?   


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1 comment:

Unknown said...

i wish they had a hip-hop class at the i can brush up on my ddr skills..